
Tuesday, 14 February 2017

My poster from the Ecohealth conference, December 2016

My poster at the EcoHealth Conference, December 2016

This is as big a picture as I can make it. If you click on the picture it will enlarge.
I've included the abstract I submitted below.


Abstract as submitted:
The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion in 1986 mentioned “a stable eco-system” as one of eight prerequisites for health. By the early 1990s, however, critics were already suggesting that health promotion was not addressing environmental issues. In the 2000s, Australian public health researchers, such as Hancock, called for ecological approaches to health, recognising that we are part of an ecosystem. Others, such as Townsend and Maller, began to investigate the benefits of ‘contact with nature’ for health. Some Australian researchers, such as Patrick and Kingsley, have recently begun to take an ‘ecohealth’ approach to health promotion. In my current research I have been looking at factors that help or challenge health promoters in Victoria in promoting both environmental sustainability and health equity. My findings show that gender is important, but it remains largely invisible and under-researched in health promotion and ecohealth. Ecofeminist theory can help to explain this, and also explain why the economist paradigm that privileges competition and use value of natural resources is politically dominant in nations such as Australia. My presentation will explain why it is important and valuable for ecohealth to recognise the significance of gender and the historical legacy of patriarchy.

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